Sunday, 26 September 2010

Maybe next week

I was always trying to find a good internet cafe closer to work in Lusaka. In May, I noticed on my way to work that there was a new one with big letters painted on the wall close to the Soweto Spar. It took about a month before I managed to go there. Unfortunately I was told that they didn't have any computers yet but that they would arrive maybe next week. I waited again for about a month before checking it again but the answer was still the same: "Maybe next week.". I meant to go there before leaving Lusaka but in the end I forgot to do it so I don't know whether they have the computers even now.

While I was still in Zambia, writing this blog was very important to me and I kept planning blog texts in my head. However, returning to Finland has admittedly reduced my motivation. Lusaka seems so distant now and it's easy to block the whole thing from my mind even though some friends keep reminding me that I haven't updated the blog. Luckily, I also gained some new motivation by talking with some applicants to the ETVO program. Actually few of them told that they had read my blog, or at least browsed it. Wow, I have readers (who are not my friends or relatives). So, I'm still planning to write about few things and finish the blog properly. Most of the posts are almost ready anyway.

So, coming up next: Victoria Falls, the biggest tourist attraction in Zambia. Maybe next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anu, great that we could be an inspiration to you on Saturday. Though I am not going to Zambia (or perhaps not anywhere, because the results are not published yet...), I came back to you blog having met you at Kepa and decided to read a bit more than just browsing. I got interested in the country originally when reading Doris Lessing and in one of her books about the trip to copper mines of Northern Rhodesia.

    Looking forward to your new posts...
